Tuesday, April 22, 2014

FLAGS UP!!!!!!!!

Just a month away from May 18th and I am already brimming with excitement!!! I just can't wait!! Red and Blue everywhere, kompas blaring in the streets, fritay (Haitian version of a fish fry) in abundance...wait, don't tell me you don't know what is happening on May 18th?!? Umway, pitit chita kite m' di ou itswa a (OMG, child have a seat and let me tell you the story).

All over the world the Haitian diaspora celebrate May 18th as Haitian Flag Day. On the same day in the year 1803, Catherine Flon, at the request of Haitian Revolutionary leaders Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Alexandre Petion, sewed together the vertical red and blue bands torn from the French flag to create the first flag to represent the Independent nation of Haiti.

10 little known facts about the Haitian Flag

Since the first flag's inception in 1803, Haiti's banner has undergone much evolution up until its current form was adopted in 1986. The development of the flag is intertwined with Haiti's history of rulers and government officials. Through each reincarnation of the flag a different aspect of today's version was added in. Below you'll find a link to a timeline of Haiti's past flags.

Haiti's flags through the years...

On Haitian Flag Day, cities with a large population of Haitians erupt in celebration. From parades to concerts to large outdoor festivals, Haitians and non-Haitians alike join the festivities enjoying the music, cuisine and various forms of art on display. Miami, home to one of the U.S.'s largest Haitian diaspora populations, holds a Haitian Kompas Festival every year to celebrate flag day. People travel from all over the States and even fly in from Haiti to join KompaFest. Children and adults represent as well by donning RED and BLUE at school and in their workplace.

All in all its an amazing affair. Yours truly will be front and center this year waving Haiti's banner high and decked out in Red and Blue. For more info on the history of Haitian Flag Day is and has been celebrated, visit the websites below.


Time to go practice my plogay-ing for KompaFest.
Until then...

Na we pita/A plus tard

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