Every month, the Little Haiti Cultural Complex hosts an event called Conversations With. It is a Happy Hour Networking event that features a prominent member of the Haitian/Haitian American community. You drink, eat, and mingle to your hearts content, until the featured speaker shares his/her story.
This past weekend, Roberto Martino, lead singer of the Haitian Konpa band, T-Vice was the featured speaker. Before he hit the stage, I had the pleasure of a one on one interview with him. I found him Very down to earth and open to share himself with his fans.
Click here for the full interview.
After the interview, the singer took to the stage to share the tale of T-Vice from his point of view. Personally I had not become familiar with the band until my late teens, so the band's history was very enlightening. They suffered ups and downs as most entertainers do, and had moments where they almost left it all behind. But as Roberto shared, the love of the music and the love they had for their fans kept them from walking away.
The event closed out with him announcing an upcoming album and answering questions from the crowd. I asked a question that many T-Vice fans wanted to know. What started the beef between T-Vice and Djakout #1? The answer is in the video below.
Click here to watch the video.
Perhaps the next interview will be with the younger brother, Reynaldo Martino. You'll have to stay tuned to found out.
Until then
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